Monday, April 23, 2007

Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told

Google Video

Monday April 23, 2007

At a news conference held in Ottawa, some of North America’s foremost climate experts provided evidence demonstrating that the science underlying the Kyoto Protocol is seriously flawed; a problem that continues to be ignored by the Canadian government. Scientists called on the Canadian government to delay implementation of the Kyoto Protocol until a thorough, public review of the current state of climate science has been conducted by climate experts. Such an analysis has never been organized in Canada despite repeated requests from independent, non-governmental climate scientists.

Friends of Science

Friday, April 20, 2007

Zapped by the SUN

"Zapped by the Sun" Lydia Mancini 2002

Cosmic opportunity at the door of human destiny NOW.

According to renowned scientist/mystic Nassim Haramein the sun has been noticeably changing since 1999.

Solar flares coming to earth from the sun are particles and plasma of sun energy being thrown off and filling our atmosphere. It is a HUGE burst of energy coming our way. He said as an analogy that the difference coming on us is very rapid -- like going from the lowest note on a piano to the highest. That is our vibrational change. These solar waves are full of ions and electrical energy that raise the vibration of everything in and around us. The sun is changing its composition--it is becoming what the ancient Mayans and Egyptians call the 6th Sun. He says there is NO GOING BACK. We've been getting these hits in waves, but soon it will be a constant. He says that global weather changes are not caused by the greenhouse effect. It is the Sun's effect.

This change in the composition of the sun changes the Earth's energy field and all that lives here. We will be in a higher vibration and we will all be more sensitive, telepathic, better healers and experiencing bouts of exhaustion. It's important to rest and assimilate change, then get back to work when you feel impacted. Meditation is very helpful as it raises your vibration. The 6th sun phenomenon is NOT a metaphor. It is an actual change.
The part we play in this change is to ground this higher vibration into earth, to join together in groups for prayer and meditation, support, and to keep our evolution at the forefront--positive, conscious of Love, helping others, and changing our awareness. The heart and crown are points through which these changes cycle in and out of us to earth and the universe. Our thoughts are more and more powerful as creation forces. Our thoughts and words are shaping things to come.

Your one life can make a difference. We can all shape a Humanity that works for everyone compassionately.



"Current, in process, geological, geophysical, and climatical alterations of the Earth are becoming more, and more, irreversible. At the present time researchers are revealing some of the causes which are leading to a general reorganization of the electro-magnetosphere (the electromagnetic skeleton) of our planet, and of its climatic machinery."

The climatic and biosphere processes here on Earth (through a tightly connected feedback system) are directly impacted by, and linked back to, the general overall transformational processes taking place in our Solar System. We must begin to organize our attention and thinking to understand that climatic changes on Earth are only one part, or link, in a whole chain of events taking place in our Heliosphere.

These deep physical processes, these new qualities of our physical and geological environment, will impose special adaptive challenges and requirements for all life forms on Earth. Considering the problems of adaptation our biosphere will have with these new physical conditions on Earth, we need to distinguish the general tendency and nature of the changes. As we will show below, these tendencies may be traced in the direction of planet energy capacity growth (capacitance), which is leading to a highly excited or charged state of some of Earth's systems. The most intense transformations are taking place in the planetary gas-plasma envelopes to which the productive possibilities of our biosphere are timed. Currently this new scenario of excess energy run-off is being formed, and observed:

In the ionosphere by plasma generation.

In the magnetosphere by magnetic storms.

In the atmosphere by cyclones.

This high-energy atmospheric phenomena, which was rare in the past, is now becoming more frequent, intense, and changed in its nature. The material composition of the gas-plasma envelope is also being transformed.

It is quite natural for the whole biota of the Earth to be subjected to these changing conditions of the electromagnetic field, and to the significant deep alterations of Earth's climatic machinery. These fundamental processes of change create a demand within all of Earth's life organisms for new forms of adaptation. The natural development of these new forms may lead to a total global revision of the range of species, and life, on Earth . New deeper qualities of life itself may come forth, bringing the new physical state of the Earth to an equilibrium with the new organismic possibilities of development, reproduction, and perfection. In this sense it is evident that we are faced with a problem of the adaptation of humanity to this new state of the Earth; new conditions on Earth whose biospheric qualities are varying, and non-uniformly distributed. Therefore the current period of transformation is transient, and the transition of life's representatives to the future may take place only after a deep evaluation of what it will take to comply with these new Earthly biospheric conditions. Each living representative on Earth will be getting a thorough "examination," or "quality control inspection," to determine it's ability to comply with these new conditions. These evolutionary challenges always require effort, or endurance, be it individual organisms, species, or communities. Therefore, it is not only the climate that is becoming new, but we as human beings are experiencing a global change in the vital processes of living organisms, or life itself; which is yet another link in the total process. We cannot treat such things separately, or individually.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Chemtrail Sunscreen Taught In US Schools

by William Thomas

A is for Apple.

B is for Boy.

C is for Chemtrails.

At least this is what one American father found while paging through his child's science book. SmT was astonished to find seventh graders being taught about chemtrails. And geoengineeering their home planet.

Anyone with question about the "spray programs" he now says, "should perhaps just ask their kids."

The chemtrails section is found in the Centre Point Learning Science I Essential Interactions science book. Under "Solutions for Global Warming", section 5.19 features a photo of a big multi-engine jet sporting a familiar orange/red paint scheme.

The caption reads: "Figure 1- Jet engines running on richer fuel would add particles to the atmosphere to create a sunscreen".

The logo on the plane says: "Particle Air".

"I kid you not," SmT insists. "Why did I spend all of that time doing research when I could have just asked my kids?"

Helping habituate children to a life under lethal sunshine and "protective" spray planes, this trippy textbook urges young readers to "Use Sun Block". But its authors are referring to a sunscreen spread across the sky.

"Could we deliberately add particles to the atmosphere?" asks the text, before helpfully suggesting that "Burning coal adds soot to the air."

You might be old enough to recoil at such a notion. But in a country where down is up and wrong is right, your kids could be learning that what used to be bad and a bummer is a now good thing!

"Be real interesting to see the politics of the folks putting this out." SmT suggests.

In the current White House, those politics are as "crude" as invading oil-rich Iraq over a bogus nuclear threat - while permitting Pakistan to export atom bomb materials to terrorist organizations in return for the chance at an election-boosting capture of Osama bin Laden by US forces in the Hindu Kush later this month. [New Yorker Mar1/04]

Why shouldn't the same petrol politics produce textbooks for children inheriting a nightmare? Led by a piggish petroleum president, with most major nations cutting back, US oil consumption is rising as steeply as supplies of cheap crude are collapsing.

The coal connection is this: In order to briefly "stretch the glide" of the fast-looming end of cheap oil that will utterly transform life as we know it, America's unelected oil president recently revoked pollution regulations on more than 2,000 of the nation's biggest polluting coal-fired power plants.

Ironically, this move - like so many others made by an oil-addled White House - will only hasten an Earthwreck as shattering to all onboard as a lurching square-rigger striking a rocky reef. Except our spaceship is surrounded by the cold, irradiated vacuum of deep space.

It turns out that a single 150-megawatt coal-burning power plant produces more emissions than 300,000 cars. Termed an "Extreme Human health Hazard" by the EPA, microscopic coal particles also rot lungs, stop hearts, kill lakes, choke cities - and stunt the lives of school kids with deadly sulphuric acid rain. [AP Aug27/03; LA Times Aug28/03]

Airborne soot also blocks sunlight, lowering greenhouse temperatures. Volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa and Pinatubo - and globe-circling soot from 1,000 burning oil wells during Desert Storm - belched enough sulphur into the stratosphere to cause a plunge in world temperatures, temporarily slowing global warming.

World scientists looking at deliberately putting megatons more sulphur into a closed, recirculating atmosphere already smoggy enough to depresses orbiting astronauts, decided that a sulphur sunscreen is not a swift idea.

But not this Jr. High science text. "Creating either kind of sunscreen would be cheap," it tells young readers. As if "cheap" is the only consideration.

Even this claim is bogus. SmT says he looked, but the section on the downstream costs associated with the health and environmental effects of massive coal pollution - or the 10 million tons of a chemical sunscreen suggested by the late Edward Teller - "seemed to have been left out."

Ditto "the cost to the solar industry". Or cumulative impacts on kids, critters and plants on which our future depends.

Sunlight is already on the way out. Repeatedly expressing shock at how quickly our space colony's life-support systems are failing, scientists are finding levels of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface decreasing by almost 3% a decade.

"Global Dimming" is too small to detect with the eye. "But it has implications for everything from climate change to solar power and even the future sustainability of plant photosynthesis," reports the Guardian.

All those jet-propelled vacations and car trips to the corner store add up. Since 1960, 10% less sunlight has reached Earth's inhabitants. Levels of solar radiation reaching parts of the former coal-belching Soviet Union are down almost 20%.

In any greenhouse, the rule of a green thumb is that every 1% decrease in solar radiation results in a 1% drop in plant productivity.

"It's actually quite a big deal,” says Graham Farquhar, a climate scientist at the Australian National University in Canberra. But get this: Farquhar doesn't think that identified pollutants, "by themselves would be able to produce this amount of global dimming." [Guardian Dec18/03]

The baffled Aussie should check out the role of contrails in turning off sunlight. Since the Jet Age took off in the 1960s, normal condensation trails from five million jet flights every year have been found to block 10% of sunlight across Europe and the USA. Over heavily trafficked Atlantic and American air-routes, artificial cloud cover caused by jet engine pollutants has increased 20%. [Chemtrails Confirmed '04]

Chemtrails are another major sunblock. Measurements taken with a calibrated photometer by Clifford Carnicom in Santa Fe show a rapid reduction in sunlight - from a value of 97% on a “clear day” to around 80% during the early stages of heavy chemtrailing. Using a simple UV radiation meter, this reporter has confirmed similar drops in sunlight beneath artificial "chemcasts" on Canada's west coast.

In a country whose self-appointed regime routinely censors scientific studies, at least some 7th grade science are more focused on indoctrinating kids with risky techno "quick-fixes" than conscious conservation and common sense.

Forget science. SmT gazed in disbelief at another schoolbook picture showing a helicopter seeding the ocean with iron particles. These desperate "IronX" experiments did indeed trigger plankton "blooms" that, in turn, transferred tons of atmospheric C02 underwater as those carbon-inhaling critters eventually died and sank to the seafloor.

But – oops! – his kid's science book fails to mention that the resulting ocean blooms also sucked all available oxygen from the seawater, suffocating all marine life in massive, spreading "dead zones". [Chemtrails Confirmed '04]

Where are the picture, SmT wonders, "of people planting trees, or turning down thermostats, or bicycling, or any of the other ways not to add to the problem?"

Though his family gave up the idea of home schooling, he says, "it's perhaps time to reconsider."

Perhaps it's also time to reconsider state-sponsored brainwashing. And other escalating consequences of our carbon addiction, as well.


Centrepoint Science 1 textbook

Chemtrails News NBC - Los Angeles


Monday, April 16, 2007

A Bright Idea?

Compact florescent light bulbs may be more efficient than incandescent lighting, but they contain toxic mercury. Terri Goldberg, deputy director of the Northeast Waste Management Officials Association, joins Bruce Gellerman to talk about the environmental impact of fluorescents and the lack of regulations for recycling the bulbs.

There's just one problem with compact fluorescent bulbs: they contain mercury which is toxic and when it winds up in the food chain, can cause damage to our brain, spinal cord, kidneys and liver. Joining me in the studio is Terri Goldberg. She's Deputy Director of the Northeast Waste Management Officials Association.


GELLERMAN: So what does the average person do? They go to the store with the best of green intentions. They buy some of these curly cue little bulbs and they feel good about it. And then it comes time to get rid of them and it's not okay just to toss them in the trash.

GOLDBERG: Legally, in most jurisdictions you can throw them in the trash if you're in a household setting.

GELLERMAN: Is that kind of an ecological no no though?

GOLDBERG: Yes, we recommend that people recycle these bulbs.

GELLERMAN: And where would I bring my bulbs? I mean that's a little onerous. You know I've got to accumulate my bulbs. Remember that those are the used ones as opposed to the new bulbs.

GOLDBERG: That's true it is a burden on the consumers and residents. And it depends on where you live what you can do with them. In locations where you have, say household hazardous waste collection programs some of those programs take these lamps back. Or you might be able to do it through say a Department of Public Works if they collect household hazardous wastes. But it's only in very few locations where the retailer is now involved in taking back these florescent lamps, like you have with the bottle bill. So for example in Vermont we're now seeing True Value Hardware stores, Ace Hardware stores beginning to provide this as a service to their customers. But we haven't yet seen that with Walmart or Home Depot or other large retailers of these products.

GELLERMAN: It's a real patchwork.

GOLDBERG: That's right and that's a huge challenge.

GELLERMAN: Well Walmart, really is pushing these bulbs, they want to sell one compact florescent bulb to each one of their hundred million customers this coming year.

GOLDBERG: That's right and as I understand it there's beginning to be discussions with Walmart about this problem for their customers of what to do with these bulbs when they burn out.

Link on title for full article.


My note -

A sad commentary that this form of lighting is being pushed and there is no simple disposal system in place. So how much mercury will end up in the environment? How green is this new lighting being sold to the people. Just how good for the environment is this?

How many people will search out an approved mercury recycling center? How safe is it when the bulb breaks in the home?

How sad is this comment?
GOLDBERG: "Legally, in most jurisdictions you can throw them in the trash if you're in a household setting."

From the frequently asked question page of the Franklin County Waste district
How do I dispose of fluorescent lamps?
Fluorescent lamps contain mercury in vapor form. If the lamp is broken, the mercury vapor escapes. Do not dispose of fluorescent lamps in the trash. See information below. If you break a fluorescent lamp, clear the area immediately. Wait ten minutes. Using plastic/latex gloves, carefully pick up the broken pieces and place them into a bag or box for disposal. When the mercury vapor is released, the glass can be thrown out. However, it is dangerous to your health to intentionally break fluorescent lamps. Throw out the gloves when you’re done.

The page says "Wait ten minutes." Really? That's not what the woman in the article below was told to do.

Consumers in dark over risks of new light bulbs
Push for energy-saving fluorescents ignores mercury disposal hazards

WASHINGTON – Brandy Bridges heard the claims of government officials, environmentalists and retailers like Wal-Mart all pushing the idea of replacing incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving and money-saving compact fluorescent lamps.

So, last month, the Prospect, Maine, resident went out and bought two dozen CFLs and began installing them in her home. One broke. A month later, her daughter's bedroom remains sealed off with plastic like the site of a hazardous materials accident, while Bridges works on a way to pay off a $2,000 estimate by a company specializing in environmentally sound cleanups of the mercury inside the bulb. Link to full article


My note-

More research is needed to find out whole story on the amount of mercury escaping into the environment, from florescent bulb use -v- incandescent bulb use, i.e., the mercury entering the environment via coal use in powering electricity, etc., and the risk of exposure to people in their homes where these bulbs break.

Will the main stream media be covering this issue?

There are more links to this story - I'll be adding them.


Friday, April 6, 2007

Coming Clean

From an airline mechanic

(Picture does not relate to the article - but I couldn't resist.)

"For reasons you will understand as you read this I can not divulge my identity. I am an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I work at one of our maintenance bases located at a large airport. I have discovered some information that I think you will find important.

First I should tell you something about the "pecking order" among mechanics. It is important to my story and to the cause to which you have dedicated yourself.

Mechanics want to work on three things. The avionics, the engines, or the flight controls. The mechanics that work on these systems are considered at the top of the "pecking order". Next come the mechanics that work on the hydraulics and air conditioning systems. Then come the ones who work on the galley and other non-essential systems. But at the very bottom of the list are the mechanics that work on the waste disposal systems. No mechanic wants to work on the pumps, tanks, and pipes that are used to store the waste from the lavatories.

But at every airport where I have worked there are always 2 or 3 mechanics that volunteer to work on the lavatory systems. The other mechanics are happy to let them do it. Because of this you will have only 2 or 3 mechanics that work on these systems at any one airport. No one pays much attention to these guys and no mechanic socializes with another mechanic who only works on the waste systems. In fact I had never thought much about this situation until last month.

Like most airlines we have reciprocal agreements with the other airlines that fly into this airport. If they have a problem with a plane one of our mechanics will take care of it. Likewise if one of our planes has a problem at an airport where the other airline has a maintenance base, they will fix our plane.

One day last month I was called out from our base to work on a plane for another airline. When I got the call the dispatcher did not know what the problem was. When I got to the plane I found out that the problem was in waste disposal system.

There was nothing for me to do but to crawl in and fix the problem. When I got into the bay I realized that something was not right. There were more tanks, pumps, and pipes then should have been there. At first I assumed that the system had been changed. It had been 10 years since I had worked on one. As I tried to find the problem I quickly realized the extra piping and tanks were not connected to the waste disposal system. I had just discovered this when another mechanic from my company showed up.

It was one of the mechanics who usually works on these systems. I happily turned the job over to him. As I was leaving I asked him about the extra equipment. He told me to "worry about my end of the plane and let him worry about his!"

The next day I was on the company computer to look up a wiring schematic. While I was there I decided to look up the extra equipment I had found. To my amazement the manuals did not show any of the extra equipment I had seen with my own eyes the day before. I even tied in to the manufacturer files and still found nothing. Now I was really determined to find out what that equipment did.

The next week we had three of our planes in our main hanger for periodic inspection. There are mechanics crawling all over a plane during these inspections. I had just finished my shift and I decided to have a look at the waste system on one of our planes. With all the mechanics around I figured that no one would notice an extra one on the plane. Sure enough, the plane I choose had the extra equipment!
I began to trace the system of pipes, pumps, and tanks. I found what appeared to be the control unit for the system. It was a standard looking avionics control box but it had no markings of any kind. I could trace the control wires from the box to the pumps and valves but there were no control circuits coming into the unit. The only wires coming Into the unit was a power connection to the aircraft's main power bus.

The system had 1 large and 2 smaller tanks. It was hard to tell in the cramped compartment but it looked like the large tank could hold 50 gallons. The tanks were connected to a fill and drain valve that passed through the fuselage just behind the drain valve for the waste system. When I had a chance to look for this connection under the plane I found it cunningly hidden behind a panel under the panel used to access the waste drain.

I began to trace the piping from the pumps. These pipes lead to a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers. If you look closely at the wings of a large airplane you will see a set of wires, about the size of your finger, extending from the trailing edge of the wing surfaces. These are the static discharge wicks. They are used to dissipate the static electric charge that builds up on a plane in flight. I discovered that the pipes from this mystery system lead to every 1 out of 3 of these static discharge wicks. These wicks had been "hollowed out" to allow whatever flows through these pipes to be discharged through these fake wicks.

It was while I was on the wing that one of the managers spotted me. He ordered me out of the hanger telling me that my shift was over and I had not been authorized any overtime.

The next couple of days were very busy and I had no time to continue my investigation. Late one afternoon, two days after my discovery, I was called to replace an engine temperature sensor on a plane due to take off in two hours. I finished the job and turned in the paperwork.

About 30 minutes later I was paged to see the General Manager. When I went in his office I found that our union rep and two others who I did not know were waiting on me. He told me that a serious problem had been discovered. He said that I was being written up and suspended for turning in false paperwork. He handed me a disciplinary form stating that I had turned in false paperwork on the engine temperature sensor I had installed a few hours before. I was floored and began to protest. I told them that this was ridiculous and that I had done this work. The union rep spoke up then and recommended that we take a look at the plane and see if we could straighten it all out. It was at this time that I asked who the other two men were. The GM told me that they were airline safety inspectors but would not give me their names.

We proceeded to the plane, which should have been in the air but was parked on our maintenance ramp. We opened the engine cowling and the union rep pulled the sensor. He checked the serial number and told everyone that it was the old instrument. We then went to the parts bay and went back into the racks. The union rep checked my report and pulled from the rack a sealed box. He opened the box and pulled out the engine temperature sensor with the serial number of the one I had installed. I was told that I was suspended for a week without pay and to leave immediately.

I sat at home the first day of my suspension wondering what the hell had happened to me. That evening I received a phone call. The voice told me "Now you know what happens to mechanics who poke around in things they shouldn't. The next time you start working on systems that are no concern of yours you will lose your job. As it is I'm feeling generous, I believe that you'll be able to go back to work soon" CLICK.

Again I had to pick myself from off the floor. I made the connection that what had happened was directly connected to my tracing the mysterious piping. The next morning the General Manager called me. He said that due to my past excellent employment record that the suspension had been reduced to one day and that I should report back to work immediately. The only thing I could think of was what are they trying to hide and who are THEY!

That day at work went by as if nothing had happened. None of the other mechanics mentioned the suspension and my union rep told me not to talk about it. That night I logged onto the Internet to try to find some answers. I don't remember now how I got there but I came across your site. That's when it all came together. But the next morning at work I found a note inside my locked locker. It said, "Curiosity killed the cat. Don't be looking at Internet sites that are no concern of yours."

Well that's it. THEY are watching me.

Well you already know what they are doing. I don't know what they are spraying but I can tell you how they are doing it. I figure they are using the "honey trucks". These are the trucks that empty the waste from the lavatory waste tanks. The airports usually contract out this job and nobody goes near these trucks. Who wants to stand next a truck full of sh--. While these guys are emptying the waste tanks they are filling the tanks of the spray system. They know the planes flight path so they probably program the control unit to start spraying some amount of time after the plane reaches a certain altitude. The spray nozzles in the fake static wicks are so small that no one in the plane would see a thing.

God help us all,

A concerned citizen."

Courtesy Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Exposing Feminism and the New World Order

Freedom to Fascism Blog

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?

By Timothy Ball, Ph.D. Monday, Feb 5, 2007
lobal Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't exist. And I am not the only one trying to make people open up their eyes and see the truth. But few listen, despite the fact that I was one of the first Canadian Ph.D.s in Climatology and I have an extensive background in climatology, especially the reconstruction of past climates and the impact of climate change on human history and the human condition. Few listen, even though I have a Ph.D., (Doctor of Science) from the University of London, England and was a climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. For some reason (actually for many), the World is not listening. Here is why.

What would happen if tomorrow we were told that, after all, the Earth is flat? It would probably be the most important piece of news in the media and would generate a lot of debate. So why is it that when scientists who have studied the Global Warming phenomenon for years say that humans are not the cause nobody listens? Why does no one acknowledge that the Emperor has no clothes on? Believe it or not, Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This in fact is the greatest deception in the history of science. We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification. For example, Environment Canada brags about spending $3.7 billion in the last five years dealing with climate change almost all on propaganda trying to defend an indefensible scientific position while at the same time closing weather stations and failing to meet legislated pollution targets. No sensible person seeks conflict, especially with governments, but if we don't pursue the truth, we are lost as individuals and as a society.

That is why I insist on saying that there is no evidence that we are, or could ever cause global climate change. And, recently, Yuri A. Izrael, Vice President of the United Nations sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed this statement. So how has the world come to believe that something is wrong? Maybe for the same reason we believed, 30 years ago, that global cooling was the biggest threat: a matter of faith. "It is a cold fact: the Global Cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political, and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for ten thousand years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance; the survival of ourselves, our children, our species," wrote Lowell Ponte in 1976.

I was as opposed to the threats of impending doom global cooling engendered as I am to the threats made about Global Warming. Let me stress I am not denying the phenomenon has occurred. The world has warmed since 1680, the nadir of a cool period called the Little Ice Age (LIA) that has generally continued to the present. These climate changes are well within natural variability and explained quite easily by changes in the sun. But there is nothing unusual going on. Since I obtained my doctorate in climatology from the University of London, Queen Mary College, England my career has spanned two climate cycles. Temperatures declined from 1940 to 1980 and in the early 1970's global cooling became the consensus. This proves that consensus is not a scientific fact. By the 1990's temperatures appeared to have reversed and Global Warming became the consensus. It appears I'll witness another cycle before retiring, as the major mechanisms and the global temperature trends now indicate a cooling. No doubt passive acceptance yields less stress, fewer personal attacks and makes career progress easier. What I have experienced in my personal life during the last years makes me understand why most people choose not to speak out; job security and fear of reprisals. Even in University, where free speech and challenge to prevailing wisdoms are supposedly encouraged, academics remain silent. I once received a three-page letter that my lawyer defined as libelous, from an academic colleague, saying I had no right to say what I was saying, especially in public lectures. Sadly, my experience is that universities are the most dogmatic and oppressive places in our society.

This becomes progressively worse as they receive more and more funding from governments that demand a particular viewpoint.

In another instance, I was accused by Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki of being paid by oil companies. That is a lie. Apparently he thinks if the fossil fuel companies pay you have an agenda. So if Greenpeace, Sierra Club or governments pay there is no agenda and only truth and enlightenment? Personal attacks are difficult and shouldn't occur in a debate in a civilized society. I can only consider them from what they imply. They usually indicate a person or group is losing the debate. In this case, they also indicate how political the entire Global Warming debate has become. Both underline the lack of or even contradictory nature of the evidence. I am not alone in this journey against the prevalent myth. Several well-known names have also raised their voices. Michael Crichton, the scientist, writer and filmmaker is one of them. In his latest book, "State of Fear" he takes time to explain, often in surprising detail, the flawed science behind Global Warming and other imagined environmental crises.

Another cry in the wilderness is Richard Lindzen's. He is an atmospheric physicist and a professor of meteorology at MIT, renowned for his research in dynamic meteorology - especially atmospheric waves. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has held positions at the University of Chicago, Harvard University and MIT. Linzen frequently speaks out against the notion that significant Global Warming is caused by humans. Yet nobody seems to listen.

I think it may be because most people don't understand the scientific method which Thomas Kuhn so skillfully and briefly set out in his book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions." A scientist makes certain assumptions and then produces a theory which is only as valid as the assumptions. The theory of Global Warming assumes that CO2 is an atmospheric greenhouse gas and as it increases temperatures rise. It was then theorized that since humans were producing more CO2 than before, the temperature would inevitably rise. The theory was accepted before testing had started, and effectively became a law. As Lindzen said many years ago: "the consensus was reached before the research had even begun." Now, any scientist who dares to question the prevailing wisdom is marginalized and called a skeptic, when in fact they are simply being good scientists. This has reached frightening levels with these scientists now being called climate change denier with all the holocaust connotations of that word. The normal scientific method is effectively being thwarted. Meanwhile, politicians are being listened to, even though most of them have no knowledge or understanding of science, especially the science of climate and climate change. Hence, they are in no position to question a policy on climate change when it threatens the entire planet. Moreover, using fear and creating hysteria makes it very difficult to make calm rational decisions about issues needing attention.

Until you have challenged the prevailing wisdom you have no idea how nasty people can be. Until you have re-examined any issue in an attempt to find out all the information, you cannot know how much misinformation exists in the supposed age of information.

I was greatly influenced several years ago by Aaron Wildavsky's book "Yes, but is it true?" The author taught political science at a New York University and realized how science was being influenced by and apparently misused by politics. He gave his graduate students an assignment to pursue the science behind a policy generated by a highly publicized environmental concern. To his and their surprise they found there was little scientific evidence, consensus and justification for the policy. You only realize the extent to which Wildavsky's findings occur when you ask the question he posed. Wildavsky's students did it in the safety of academia and with the excuse that it was an assignment. I have learned it is a difficult question to ask in the real world, however I firmly believe it is the most important question to ask if we are to advance in the right direction.

Dr. Tim Ball, Chairman of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (,is a Victoria-based environmenal consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg.

Q&A with Dr. Ball:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Non- chemical clouds.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Shift Of Focus

By Scott Stevens
03, March, 2007
By early December it became evident that this winter was not going to be “typical.” Because of the myriad of extremes in weather to which this planet has been exposed, I have resisted updating the site with news and observations at each occurrence of these “disasters,” even though there have been many from which to choose. Yet there is good reason why there have been so many shifts in the weather patterns… A larger Shift is upon us.

By early December it became evident that this winter was not going to be “typical.” Because of the myriad of extremes in weather to which this planet has been exposed, I have resisted updating the site with news and observations at each occurrence of these “disasters,” even though there have been many from which to choose. Yet there is good reason why there have been so many shifts in the weather patterns.

My greatest concern in sharing this information is that of creating fear and furthering the “victim” mentality, which remain the primary tools of control of The Powers That Be; and I will not add further fuel to that mix.

It now seems evident to most of those with open minds and eyes that the workings of the atmosphere are just not “as they used to be.” As always, I am repeatedly asked for the “Whom” and as to the “Why?” Both of those answers will become evident in short order.

Something much larger and more important than the manipulation of the environment is already upon us, and will soon overtake those souls who remain unaware of its grandness.

The Shift of the Ages has begun. The spiral of this epoch of time has nearly reached its completion.

Clues to this unfolding are all around. It simply takes raising ones consciousness and lifting ones vision to see these clues, these messages from the planet and from the animal kingdom.

Recently, there have been many reports of birds dropping from the skies; dolphins and sea lions fleeing the oceans; bats thousands of miles from native territory. These animals, individually and as groups, are responding to a call--a call that can be heard by humanity if the mind can reach that place of stillness, that place of oneness, where all knowledge is available.

Remember that very few animals were lost in the Indonesian tsunami.

Those creatures were in tune with the heartbeat of the planet and responded accordingly. Should mankind finally choose to listen to the Earth with man’s collective heart center, perhaps there would be much less loss of life during coming cataclysmic events. However, this shift requires new personal priorities. Adjusting to a new harmonious life focus will be a requirement for survival, otherwise the planet will soon use her seas to begin the rebalancing of humanity for us. When that point in time arrives, we will all be given a great test of compassion as we come to terms with our losses.

On another topic (but definitely related), I have relocated my home to Colorado from Idaho. Believe it or not, eastern Idaho was too close to the Pacific Ocean for my personal comfort, but that is a story for another time!

Weird Avian Phenomena Sighted in Ireland

This article was scanned and emailed to me from a reader in the UK. As is easily visible, the birds appear to be flying in hyperspatial (our current dimensions plus) flock formations. As our current reality breaks down, with assistance from highly energetic light energies originating from the center of the Galaxy, the new Creation must begin to take form in the hearts of mankind.

The Powers That Be desire a reality based on control and darkness and will do all they can to ensure that outcome. It is up to us to see a brighter, lighter future--one that comes from the heart. A new Creation is coming upon mankind and the Divine will allow us to determine how it comes together. Will it be a creation by The Powers That Be or one from the collective heart centers of the most loving of mankind? It is your decision. It has always been your decision as co-creators.

Cloud geometry seen over the Mediterranean during the summer of 2006.
Something to look forward to as March approaches will be the launch of my radio show, Weather Wars—Prelude to the Shift, which will be heard on the America First Radio Network. Although the contracts are not yet signed, the show, which likely will be two hours in length with live call-in, will be heard both Saturday and Sunday evenings. The good news is that within minutes of each show’s end, pod casts will be available for download-streaming listening for those who will not be able to hear it from a broadcast radio station. As the launch date approaches, I will provide additional specifics.

I am thrilled about this opportunity to present current environmental information in a format outside of this website and in my favorite format: audio! Of course, blog will be generated as a result of the show.

The following list highlights some of the topics that will be discussed during the coming year, and should give the reader an idea as to which topics are of importance.

  • Past abrupt climate shifts and the relationship to the planet’s processional cycle. What percentage of global warming is induced by man’s use of the atmosphere as a dumping ground for waste, as the CO2/global warming camp would have us believe, and how much is a natural part of the processional cycle?
  • Recent energy changes within the Sun-Earth-atmosphere dynamic. Can these, and do these, changes have an effect on the human body’s biochemical processes and our emotions?
  • A cursory examination of details concerning physical changes manifesting upon other planets within the solar system.
  • Do colors, shapes, and archetypes in the new hyperspatial reality have a connection to electrified chemtrails? Just how many reasons do “they” have for flying these glyphs in the sky at significant earth energy points? I’ve got some great pictures!

  • Programming the human race to hold back the evolution of consciousness.
  • Wholly absent national policy concerning sustainable energy development; protecting and restoring our environment for future generations; failed farm policy; and woeful leadership when it comes to space exploration.
  • UFOs: Now you see one and now you see some more. Been to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport recently? Were you late getting in because your United gate was occupied due to a hovering UFO? It is long past time for the Government to be removed from this most important of national debates. The Powers That Be lie, lie, and then lie some more. There is no more grotesque conflict of interest than that between the US Government and its citizens regarding the truth of expansive life beyond this planet. The time for disclosure was during the Truman Administration!
  • Changes within Earth’s base resonant frequency and attendant magnetic stability.
  • Past data regarding magnetic and physical pole shifts.
  • Discoveries of ET DNA intermixed with human DNA. Your ability to change your own DNA with focused intent and emotion. This is very cool stuff!
  • Creation versus evolution… Really, how can you have one without the other?
  • The coming cycling of several calendars on or about the winter solstice 2012.
  • And, of course, end time prophecy… There is no shortage of that material to go around. Some of it is standing the test of time, and some is just utter garbage. Incan, Mayan, American Indian, and Biblical prophecies are amongst many other sources which have sent these messages forward in time.

For all those who fear they won’t get their dose of weather information, all of that will still be included. I feel, however, that the obviousness of the weather manipulation is now so great that I need/want to shift focus to the next issue which is far more important and also will so deeply affect each and every one of us.

Stick around--it is about to get very exciting for those who hunger and choose to DO SOMETHING to bring on a better world for everyone.

Some recommended readings for building a foundation of knowledge of what is coming and the way to grow through the chaos/opportunity:

Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding Available from

Handbook for the New Paradigm available from or a summary overview here:

Friday, March 9, 2007

Native American Indian Prophecies by Lee Brown

Native American Indian Prophecies
Talk Given by Lee Brown
1986 Continental Indigenous Council
Tanana Valley,Fairbanks,Alaska.
And He said "During the cycle of time I'm going to give each of you two stone tablets. When I give you those stone tablets, don't cast them on the ground. If any of the brothers and sisters of the four directions and the four colours cast their tablets on the ground, not only, will human beings have a hard time, but almost the earth itself will die."
And so he gave each of us a responsibility and we call that the Guardianship.
To the Indian people, the red people, he gave the Guardianship of the earth.
To the South he gave the yellow race of people the Guardianship of the wind, for spiritual advancement.
To the West he gave the black race of people the Guardianship of the water, black people would bring the teachings of the water.
To the North He gave the white race of people the Guardianship of the fire, the white people move upon the face of the earth and reunite us as a human family...
So we went through this cycle of time and each of the four races went to their directions and they learned their teachings
And now it is us. We are the ones they spoke of long ago. They say to be alive, to come into creation and to live upon the earth at this time is a great honour.
In the cycle of time, from the beginning to the end, this time we are in now will change the purification of all things. They say this is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honour to be alive and see this.
...We are now within the purification of all things. Non-Natives call this the "Apocalypse". The Native call this the "Purification" .
So, in closing I would like to call on each and every person, regardless of who you are, young or old, Native or non Native , to arise now , and to awake, to embrace this time, to learn everything you can about the Teachings and the Writings, to arise awake and go forth...Peoples everywhere are now receptive to the Message...There's people out there waiting to hear, waiting to hear...
(click on link above for full article)

More Spiritual Articles

Edgar Cayce - Think on These

Meditate, oft. Separate thyself for a season from the cares of the world. Get close to nature and learn from the lowliest of that which manifests in nature, in the earth; in the birds, in the trees, in the grass, in the flowers, in the bees; that the life of each is a manifesting, is a song of glory to its Maker. And do thou likewise! -Edgar Cayce Reading 1089-3

For, as has been indicated from the innate experience as well as from the longings within, a home--home--with all its deeper, inner meanings, is a portion of the entity's desire; to know, to experience, to have the "feel" of, to have the surroundings of that implied by the word home! Is it any wonder then that in all of thy meditation, Ohm-O-h-m-mmmmm has ever been, is ever a portion of that which raises self to the highest influence and the highest vibrations throughout its whole being that may be experienced by the entity? -Edgar Cayce Reading 1286-1

. . in love all life is given, in love all things move. In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving love comes as the fulfillment of desire, guided, directed, in the ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of application of self as related to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in life--or it is life. -Edgar Cayce Reading 345-1
. . in the consciousness of eternity, time is not, neither is space. In man's consciousness there appears so much mercy, so much love, that these have been called time and space. -Edgar Cayce Reading 3660-1

it is held . . . as a cross, it will remain as one . . . with individuals where there is in their experience crosses to bear, hardships or surroundings that to them are overpowering, overwhelming, by slights, slurs, and fancies of the inactivity of a coordinating force. If these are held continually as crosses, or as things to be overcome, then they will remain as crosses. But if they are to be met with the spirit of truth and right in their own selves, they should create joy; for that is what will be built. -Edgar Cayce Reading 552-2

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Public School Nightmare

The Public School Nightmare:
Why fix a system designed to destroy individual thought?
by John Taylor Gatto

~I want you to consider the frightening possibility that we are spending far too much money on schooling, not too little. I want you to consider that we have too many people employed in interfering with the way children grow up--and that all this money and all these people, all the time we take out of children's lives and away from their homes and families and neighbourhoods and private explorations--gets in the way of education.
~Then what do you make of the fact that you can't go to school in Sweden until you are 7 years old? The reason the unsentimental Swedes have wiped out what would be first and seconds grades here is that they don't want to pay the large social bill that quickly comes due when boys and girls are ripped away from their best teachers at home too early. Japan with its long school year and state compulsion, instead of Sweden with its short school year, short school sequence, and free choice where your kid is schooled? . . .
~. . . . we allowed schooling to become a very profitable monopoly, guaranteed its customers by the police power of the state. Systematic schooling attracts increased investment only when it does poorly, and since there are no penalties at all for such performance, the temptation not to do well is overwhelming. That's because school staffs, both line and management, are involved in a guild system; in that ancient form of association no single member is allowed to outperform any other member, is allowed to advertise or is allowed to introduce new technology or improvise without the advance consent of the guild. Violation of these precepts is severely sanctioned--as Marva Collins, Jaime Escalante and a large number of once-brilliant teachers found out.
The guild reality cannot be broken without returning primary decision-making to parents, letting them buy what they want to buy in schooling, and encouraging the entrepreneurial reality that existed until 1852. That is why I urge any business to think twice before entering a cooperative relationship with the schools we currently have. Cooperating with these places will only make them worse.
~The structure of American schooling, 20th century style, began in 1806 when Napoleon's amateur soldiers beat the professional soldiers of Prussia at the battle of Jena. When your business is selling soldiers, losing a battle like that is serious. Almost immediately afterwards a German philosopher named Fichte delivered his famous "Address to the German Nation" which became one of the most influential documents in modern history. In effect he told the Prussian people that the party was over, that the nation would have to shape up through a new Utopian institution of forced schooling in which everyone would learn to take orders.
So the world got compulsion schooling at the end of a state bayonet for the first time in human history; modern forced schooling started in Prussia in 1819 with a clear vision of what centralized schools could deliver:
1. Obedient soldiers to the army;
2. Obedient workers to the mines;
3. Well subordinated civil servants to government;
4. Well subordinated clerks to industry
5. Citizens who thought alike about major issues.
Thirty-three years after that fateful invention of the central school institution, at the behest of Horace Mann and many other leading citizens, we borrowed the style of Prussian schooling as our own.
~You need to know this because over the first 50 years of our school institution Prussian purpose--which was to create a form of state socialism--gradually forced out traditional American purpose, which in most minds was to prepare the individual to be self-reliant.
In Prussia the purpose of the Volksshule, which educated 92 percent of the children, was not intellectual development at all, but socialization in obedience and subordination. Thinking was left to the Real Schulen, in which 8 percent of the kids participated. But for the great mass, intellectual development was regarded with managerial horror, as something that caused armies to lose battles.
~Prussia concocted a method based on complex fragmentations to ensure that its school products would fit the grand social design. Some of this method involved dividing whole ideas into school subjects, each further divisible, some of it involved short periods punctuated by a horn so that self-motivation in study would be muted by ceaseless interruptions.
There were many more techniques of training, but all were built around the premise that isolation from first-hand information, and fragmentation of the abstract information presented by teachers, would result in obedient and subordinate graduates, properly respectful of arbitrary orders. "Lesser" men would be unable to interfere with policy makers because, while they could still complain, they could not manage sustained or comprehensive thought. Well-schooled children cannot think critically, cannot argue effectively.
~. . compulsion schooling, . . was finally rammed through the Massachusetts legislature in 1852. . . the famous "Know-Nothing" legislature passed this law, a legislature that was the leading edge of a famous secret society which flourished at that time known as "The Order of the Star Spangled Banner," whose password was the simple sentence, "I know nothing"--hence the popular label attached to the secret society's political arm, "The American Party."
In 1896 the famous John Dewey, then at the University of Chicago, said that independent, self-reliant people were a counter-productive anachronism in the collective society of the future. In modern society, said Dewey, people would be defined by their associations--not by their own individual accomplishments. In such a world people who read too well or too early are dangerous because they become privately empowered, they know too much, and know how to find out what they don't know by themselves, without consulting experts.
Dewey said the great mistake of traditional pedagogy was to make reading and writing constitute the bulk of early schoolwork. He advocated that the phonics method of teaching reading be abandoned and replaced by the whole word method, not because the latter was more efficient (he admitted that it was less efficient) but because independent thinkers were produced by hard books, thinkers who cannot be socialized very easily. By socialization Dewey meant a program of social objectives administered by the best social thinkers in government.
~. . . : New York State, for instance, employs more school administrators than all of the European Economic Community nations combined.
Once you think that the control of conduct is what schools are about, the word "reform" takes on a very particular meaning. It means making adjustments to the machine so that young subjects will not twist and turn so, while their minds and bodies are being scientifically controlled. Helping kids to use their minds better is beside the point.
~When Frederich Froebel, the inventor of kindergarten in 19th century Germany, fashioned his idea he did not have a "garden for children" in mind, but a metaphor of teachers as gardeners and children as the vegetables. Kindergarten was created to be a way to break the influence of mothers on their children.
While this development has had an adverse effect on people it has made schooling the single largest employer in the United States, and the largest grantor of contracts next to the Defence Department. Both of these low-visibility phenomena provide monopoly schooling with powerful political friends, publicists, advocates and other useful allies. This is a large part of the explanation why no amount of failure ever changes things in schools, or changes them for very long. School people are in a position to outlast any storm and to keep short-attention-span public scrutiny thoroughly confused.

(go to link for the full article)



Build of your imaginings a bower in the wilderness
Er you build a house within the city walls
Breath in as you have homecomings in your twilight
So has the wanderer you
- the ever distant and alone

Your house is your larger body
It grows in the sun
- and sleeps in the stillness of the night
And it is not dreamless
Does not your house dream
And dreaming
- leave the city for grove or hilltop

Would that I could gather your houses into my hand
And like a sore scatter them in forest and meadow
Would the valleys were your streets
- and the green paths your alleys
That you might seek one another through vineyards
And come with the fragrance of the earth in your garments
But these things are not yet to be

In their fear your forefathers gathered you too near together
And that fear shall endure a little longer
A little longer
- shall your city walls separate your hearths from your fields

And tell me
-what have you in these houses
And what is it you guard with fastened doors
Have you peace the quiet urge that reveals your power
Have you rememberances the glimmering arches
- that span the summits of your mind
Have you beauty that leaves the heart from things
- fashioned of wood and stone to the holy mountain
Tell me have you these in your houses

Or have you only comfort
-and the lust for comfort
That stealthy thing that enters
-a house as a guest
And then becomes a host
- and then a master
Hey, and it becomes a Tamer

And with hooks and scurge
Makes puppets of your larger desires
Though its hands are silken its heart is of iron
It lulls you to sleep only to stand by your bed
- and jeer at the dignity of the flesh

It makes mock of your sound senses
- and lays them in thistledom like fragile vessels
Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul
And then walks grinning in the funeral

But you - children of space,
-you restless thin rest
You shall not be trapped nor tamed
Your house shall not be an anchor but a mast
This shall not be a glistening film that covers a wound
- but an eyelid that guards the eye

You shall not fold your wings that you may pass through doors
Nor bend your heads that they strike not against a ceiling
Nor fear to breath lest walls should crack and fall down
You shall not dwell in tombs made by the dead for the living

And though it magnificence and splendour
Your house shall not hold your secret
- nor shelter your longing
For that which is boundless in you
- binds in the imagine in the sky
Who's doors the morning mist
- and who's windows are the songs
- and the silences of the night

Soulministries Podcasts
Combining an atmosphericðereal blend of musical ambiance, "On Houses" discloses to us that as children of space, we will neither be trapped nor tamed. And our houses are a mast and and eyelid of our souls. Take a moment & let the power of Donald's work draw you into a new reality. Donald Gordon Carty offers a unique glimpse & perspective to the inner workings&mind of man. The meditations & spoken word inspiration of D.G.C. are a wonder-send to all who sample his beatific & spiritual art.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Norman Dodd - The Hidden Agenda

Merging America into World Government
Hidden Agenda, an interview with Norman Dodd, former Congressional investigator of tax-exempt foundations, was conducted by G. Edward Griffin. The major tax-exempt foundations, since at least 1945, have been operating to promote an agenda that has little to do with charity, good works, or philanthropy. The real objectives include the creation of a world-wide collectivist state which is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which control the foundations. The major tax-exempt foundations, since at least 1945, have been operating to promote an agenda that has little to do with charity, good works, or philanthropy. The real objectives include the creation of a world-wide collectivist state which is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which control the foundations. This story is told by Norman Dodd who, in 1954, was the staff director of the Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations, known as the Reece Committee, in recognition of its Chairman, Congressman Carroll Reece. Mr. Dodd speaks from experience with the leaders of the great foundations of that period, some of whom were amazingly frank about their goals.
The Foundations
"The World Order controls the citizens of the United States through the tax exempt foundations.
These foundations create and implement government policy through their staff members in key positions in the executive, legislative and judiciary departments. The foundations create educational policy through their staff members in key positions at every level of the educational system. The foundations control religious doctrine through their staff members in key positions in the leading religious denominations. ''Foundation'' is a misleading term; Webster calls it an endowment, but a foundation is really a trust, which Roget states is a "syndicate".
If, instead of Rockefeller Foundation, we were to say Rockefeller Syndicate, we would be much closer to the truth. Alpheus T. Mason, in his biography of Justice Brandeis, quotes Brandeis as pointing out that "Socialism has been developed largely by the power of individual trusts." What we have then, are criminal syndicates masquerading as philanthropic enterprises while they inflict Socialist world slavery on nations and peoples for the benefit of the World Order.
Norman Dodd, director of research for the Reece Committee in its attempt to investigate tax exempt foundations, was asked by Congressman B. Carroll Reece in January, 1954,
"Do you accept the premise that the United States is the victim of a conspiracy?" "Yes," said Dodd. "Then," said Congressman Reece, "you must conduct the investigation on that basis." B.E. Hutchinson, chairman of Chrysler Corp., although approving the goals of the investigation, warned Dodd, "If you proceed as you have outlined, you will be killed." Dodd stated, "The foundation world is a coordinated, well directed system, the purpose of which is to ensure that the wealth of our country shall be used to divorce it from the ideas which brought it into being. The foundations are the biggest single influence in collectivism."
The 1975 Report of the Rockefeller Foundation showed a $ 100,000 grant to the Institute for World Order, operated by Prof. Saul Mendlovitz, who states in the Institute publication Transition, Oct. 1974, "I am arguing for a new governance or alternative institutions to those now responsible for global concert; people will be demanding a central guidance system; it means a governance is about to come into being in which the policy elites in various nation states who have the authority and capacity to make decisions--will no longer have that as their prerogative. There will be a governance that will say-you can't build an army anymore. You must give a certain amount of your economic income to other areas of the world."
In short, a World Order-no national armies; no private incomes; no individual freedom. Ironically, all this is being financed by those who created wealth by the exercise of individual freedom in the United States."
Text of interview