Hidden Agenda, an interview with Norman Dodd, former Congressional investigator of tax-exempt foundations, was conducted by G. Edward Griffin. The major tax-exempt foundations, since at least 1945, have been operating to promote an agenda that has little to do with charity, good works, or philanthropy. The real objectives include the creation of a world-wide collectivist state which is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which control the foundations. The major tax-exempt foundations, since at least 1945, have been operating to promote an agenda that has little to do with charity, good works, or philanthropy. The real objectives include the creation of a world-wide collectivist state which is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which control the foundations. This story is told by Norman Dodd who, in 1954, was the staff director of the Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations, known as the Reece Committee, in recognition of its Chairman, Congressman Carroll Reece. Mr. Dodd speaks from experience with the leaders of the great foundations of that period, some of whom were amazingly frank about their goals.
The Foundations
"The World Order controls the citizens of the United States through the tax exempt foundations.
These foundations create and implement government policy through their staff members in key positions in the executive, legislative and judiciary departments. The foundations create educational policy through their staff members in key positions at every level of the educational system. The foundations control religious doctrine through their staff members in key positions in the leading religious denominations. ''Foundation'' is a misleading term; Webster calls it an endowment, but a foundation is really a trust, which Roget states is a "syndicate".
If, instead of Rockefeller Foundation, we were to say Rockefeller Syndicate, we would be much closer to the truth. Alpheus T. Mason, in his biography of Justice Brandeis, quotes Brandeis as pointing out that "Socialism has been developed largely by the power of individual trusts." What we have then, are criminal syndicates masquerading as philanthropic enterprises while they inflict Socialist world slavery on nations and peoples for the benefit of the World Order.
Norman Dodd, director of research for the Reece Committee in its attempt to investigate tax exempt foundations, was asked by Congressman B. Carroll Reece in January, 1954, "Do you accept the premise that the United States is the victim of a conspiracy?" "Yes," said Dodd. "Then," said Congressman Reece, "you must conduct the investigation on that basis." B.E. Hutchinson, chairman of Chrysler Corp., although approving the goals of the investigation, warned Dodd, "If you proceed as you have outlined, you will be killed." Dodd stated, "The foundation world is a coordinated, well directed system, the purpose of which is to ensure that the wealth of our country shall be used to divorce it from the ideas which brought it into being. The foundations are the biggest single influence in collectivism."
The 1975 Report of the Rockefeller Foundation showed a $ 100,000 grant to the Institute for World Order, operated by Prof. Saul Mendlovitz, who states in the Institute publication Transition, Oct. 1974, "I am arguing for a new governance or alternative institutions to those now responsible for global concert; people will be demanding a central guidance system; it means a governance is about to come into being in which the policy elites in various nation states who have the authority and capacity to make decisions--will no longer have that as their prerogative. There will be a governance that will say-you can't build an army anymore. You must give a certain amount of your economic income to other areas of the world."
In short, a World Order-no national armies; no private incomes; no individual freedom. Ironically, all this is being financed by those who created wealth by the exercise of individual freedom in the United States."
Text of interview
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