"Zapped by the Sun" Lydia Mancini 2002
Cosmic opportunity at the door of human destiny NOW. | |
According to renowned scientist/mystic Nassim Haramein the sun has been noticeably changing since 1999. Solar flares coming to earth from the sun are particles and plasma of sun energy being thrown off and filling our atmosphere. It is a HUGE burst of energy coming our way. He said as an analogy that the difference coming on us is very rapid -- like going from the lowest note on a piano to the highest. That is our vibrational change. These solar waves are full of ions and electrical energy that raise the vibration of everything in and around us. The sun is changing its composition--it is becoming what the ancient Mayans and Egyptians call the 6th Sun. He says there is NO GOING BACK. We've been getting these hits in waves, but soon it will be a constant. He says that global weather changes are not caused by the greenhouse effect. It is the Sun's effect. This change in the composition of the sun changes the Earth's energy field and all that lives here. We will be in a higher vibration and we will all be more sensitive, telepathic, better healers and experiencing bouts of exhaustion. It's important to rest and assimilate change, then get back to work when you feel impacted. Meditation is very helpful as it raises your vibration. The 6th sun phenomenon is NOT a metaphor. It is an actual change. Your one life can make a difference. We can all shape a Humanity that works for everyone compassionately.
| Excerpt from PLANETOPHYSICAL STATE OF THE EARTH AND LIFE By DR. ALEXEY N. DMITRIEV "Current, in process, geological, geophysical, and climatical alterations of the Earth are becoming more, and more, irreversible. At the present time researchers are revealing some of the causes which are leading to a general reorganization of the electro-magnetosphere (the electromagnetic skeleton) of our planet, and of its climatic machinery." The climatic and biosphere processes here on Earth (through a tightly connected feedback system) are directly impacted by, and linked back to, the general overall transformational processes taking place in our Solar System. We must begin to organize our attention and thinking to understand that climatic changes on Earth are only one part, or link, in a whole chain of events taking place in our Heliosphere. These deep physical processes, these new qualities of our physical and geological environment, will impose special adaptive challenges and requirements for all life forms on Earth. Considering the problems of adaptation our biosphere will have with these new physical conditions on Earth, we need to distinguish the general tendency and nature of the changes. As we will show below, these tendencies may be traced in the direction of planet energy capacity growth (capacitance), which is leading to a highly excited or charged state of some of Earth's systems. The most intense transformations are taking place in the planetary gas-plasma envelopes to which the productive possibilities of our biosphere are timed. Currently this new scenario of excess energy run-off is being formed, and observed: In the ionosphere by plasma generation. In the magnetosphere by magnetic storms. In the atmosphere by cyclones. This high-energy atmospheric phenomena, which was rare in the past, is now becoming more frequent, intense, and changed in its nature. The material composition of the gas-plasma envelope is also being transformed. It is quite natural for the whole biota of the Earth to be subjected to these changing conditions of the electromagnetic field, and to the significant deep alterations of Earth's climatic machinery. These fundamental processes of change create a demand within all of Earth's life organisms for new forms of adaptation. The natural development of these new forms may lead to a total global revision of the range of species, and life, on Earth . New deeper qualities of life itself may come forth, bringing the new physical state of the Earth to an equilibrium with the new organismic possibilities of development, reproduction, and perfection. In this sense it is evident that we are faced with a problem of the adaptation of humanity to this new state of the Earth; new conditions on Earth whose biospheric qualities are varying, and non-uniformly distributed. Therefore the current period of transformation is transient, and the transition of life's representatives to the future may take place only after a deep evaluation of what it will take to comply with these new Earthly biospheric conditions. Each living representative on Earth will be getting a thorough "examination," or "quality control inspection," to determine it's ability to comply with these new conditions. These evolutionary challenges always require effort, or endurance, be it individual organisms, species, or communities. Therefore, it is not only the climate that is becoming new, but we as human beings are experiencing a global change in the vital processes of living organisms, or life itself; which is yet another link in the total process. We cannot treat such things separately, or individually. Back to Main Page Bariumblues.com |
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